
What did Nehru appeal to the people of India

Nehru's Vision: Inspiring India Towards Progress Do you know What did Nehru appeal to the people of India? Here is a quick brief about the...

Explain How Socialist Society was Established in Russia

The establishment of a socialist society in Russia was a complex and transformative process that took place against the backdrop of historical, social, and...

Adolf Eichmann’s Trial of 1960: Was it legitimate?

The Eichmann trial is claimed to have served justice to the persecuted Jews in Germany and Nazi-occupied territories back in the mid-20th century but...

Beyond Profit: Spirituality’s Role in Fostering Socially Responsible Investments

Many investors today are seeking to align their financial goals with their deeply-held values and beliefs in an era when profit often takes precedence....

Mahatma Gandhi: Looking Through the Lens of Personality Psychology

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October, 1869, in Porbandar. He was fascinated by the character of Raja Harishchandra at an early age....

