Maruti has officially launched the CNG version of its popular Swift model, just four months after introducing the petrol variant. The starting price for the Swift CNG is Rs 8.20 lakh (ex-showroom) and it's available in three trims: VXi, VXi (O), and ZXi. This is Maruti Suzuki's 14th CNG-powered vehicle in India.
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Maruti has officially launched the CNG version of its popular Swift model, just four months after introducing the petrol variant. The starting price for the Swift CNG is Rs 8.20 lakh (ex-showroom) and it's available in three trims: VXi, VXi (O), and ZXi. This is Maruti Suzuki's 14th CNG-powered vehicle in India.
Maruti has officially launched the CNG version of its popular Swift model, just four months after introducing the petrol variant. The starting price for the Swift CNG is Rs 8.20 lakh (ex-showroom) and it's available in three trims: VXi, VXi (O), and ZXi. This is Maruti Suzuki's 14th CNG-powered vehicle in India.
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Maruti has officially launched the CNG version of its popular Swift model, just four months after introducing the petrol variant. The starting price for the Swift CNG is Rs 8.20 lakh (ex-showroom) and it's available in three trims: VXi, VXi (O), and ZXi. This is Maruti Suzuki's 14th CNG-powered vehicle in India.