Binny Bansal, the co-founder of Flipkart, has launched a new startup named OppDoor. This venture aims to offer comprehensive solutions to e-commerce companies, covering design, product development, human resources, and other backend support services.
Following his departure from Flipkart in 2018, OppDoor marks Bansal’s first entrepreneurial venture. The startup intends to assist enterprises in expanding their operations to different regions by utilizing network platforms such as Amazon and others.
About OppDoor:
Established in May 2021 and registered in Singapore, OppDoor operates as a venture capital firm. Initially known as ‘Three State Ventures Pte Ltd.,’ the startup has attracted investments from various Indian startups, including Curefood and Scapia.
OppDoor’s Mission:
The primary objective of OppDoor is to facilitate global e-commerce excellence for businesses. The startup is dedicated to assisting e-commerce companies in expanding their global footprint by offering comprehensive end-to-end solutions.
According to the OppDoor website, the company provides a wide range of services covering a brand’s entire lifecycle, from inception to exit. They specialize in both fully managed operations and business advisory services, collaborating with platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, Etsy, and more.
OppDoor Operates in 8 Global Markets
OppDoor extends its services predominantly across eight countries, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, the UK, and the US. Notably, the company does not currently offer services in India, as there is no mention of the country on its official website. While the company’s website does not explicitly identify Binny Bansal as the owner, Moneycontrol has verified, based on a reliable source, that he is indeed the owner. OppDoor engages directly with businesses, aiding them in the global expansion of their operations.
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